Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Self Assessment Memo

As a writer, I think I pretend to be very objective. I like to write in such a manner that I only include facts; however, my pretense comes in the form that I am very selective about the facts that I include in my paper. Even if I have to put my opinion into a paper, I will state that opinion as a fact and not indicate it as my opinion. For example in my first draft of the unit 2 controversy paper I begin my paper with a parallel of why decision making involves more than just the consequences of one action chosen. Although this may give the reader a good basis for the paper, it does not give them any emotional attachment. In the same paper, I make the claim that an increase in Marijuana use will negatively affect society, but I do not illustrate it with something the reader can relate to. I think that as part of my objectiveness I avoid trying to "trick" my readers into thinking the way I do using something like emotion that is not necessarily based in fact. At the same time, I only give the reader enough facts to believe my side of the controversy.
In unit 3 I will edit my first draft of the Unit 2 controversy portfolio to involve more of an emotional appeal and to give a more diverse spread of facts and my own opinions. This will improve my writing because it will allow my reader to have a connection and a deeper understanding of what I am writing and also allow them to be connected to me through the use of my own personal opinions.

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