Sunday, March 8, 2009

Resarch Update

The topic my group and I have chosen for our research paper is on the legalization of Marijuana. This is a very interesting topic, but does not affect me personally and I do not have a strong opinion on it either way. I know that both of my group members are very pro-legalization and have strong opinions on the topic and are more knowledgeable about it than me. Because of this, they have come up with many of the main ideas and arguments. In the group, I tend to be more of a coordinator and organizer, making sure that everyone does their part and we get it done on time. However both John and Lauren have more things to say about the topic of Marijuana than me. I think this is a good thing though because then I can argue from whatever point of view they do not want to argue from. I guess if I had to choose, I would probably lean toward not legalizing it (at least for everyday purposes) but depending on the research I do, I could easily be convinced of something different. One challenge of this topic is that it is very broad, but the economic and social aspect of marijuana seem less explored than the medical or health benefits.

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